

1st prize Musical Instrument category, RDS National Craft Competition (Ireland) 2007
Reserve award for excellence, RDS National Craft Competition 2007
Craft Council of Ireland purchase award RDS 2007

Artist in Residence, Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris, 2008

1st prize Musical Instrument category, RDS 2010

Gold medal for violin bow, Violin Society of America 2010
Gold medal for viola bow, Violin Society of America 2010
Gold medal for cello bow, Violin Society of America 2010
Grand Prix de la Ville de Paris for viola bow, Concours Etienne Vatelot, November 2011
Certificate of Merit for cello bow, Violin Society of America 2012
Gold medal for violin bow, Violin Society of America 2012
Gold medal for viola bow, Violin Society of America 2012 
"Coup de coeur" du publique ( for sound), Violoncelle en Seine, Paris, December 2012 

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