

I initially trained in violin repair and restoration with John Harte, at the violin shop Antonio Strings in New Zealand.  While working  there I became increasingly fascinated by bows.
I returned to Ireland in 2002 to train as a bowmaker  with Noel Burke and set up my own workshop in 2005.
Aside from a year spent working in Paris (at L'Atelier d'Arthur), I have been based in County Mayo, Ireland, ever since.
My violin, viola and cello bows are  inspired largely by French bowmaking of the late 1700s, and early to mid 1800s.
Prizes include gold medals for violin, viola, and cello bows at the 2010 VSA Competition, gold medals for violin and viola bows at the 2012 VSA competition, and Grand Prix de la Ville de Paris for viola bow in 2011. 


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